Memorial Middle School in Cedar Grove, NJ


Educator Lia Caravella (AKA Miss C) has always been committed to the social, emotional, and educational well being of her students. Her classroom activities during National Autism Awareness Month emphasis the importance of kindness and understanding for individuals with autism. As an Autism New Jersey Ambassador for nearly a decade, we’re honored that her traditions continue to shape the future for our communtiy.

This year, Miss C. has taught lessons about autism and disabilities during her grade five character education class. The students learned about accepting others for who they are and how important it is to include others. The key component taught is that everyone is unique in their own special ways.

Students and staff signed their names to take a pledge to celebrate autism awareness on puzzle pieces that hang in a hallway display.

The entire middle school is planning a dress-down-day and will be selling lollipops to raise money for Autism New Jersey.

Thank you to Miss C and her students for continuing to make autism acceptance a priority in their classroom!


Coffee With a Cop...and for a Purpose


A Brother’s Special Autism Awareness Broadcast