Autism New Jersey had the special opportunity to speak with Lindsay and Thomas about their special friendship.
Symbols and logos can be powerful, but only tell part of the story. And they mean different things to different people.
April has long been designated as “Autism Awareness Month” both nationally and worldwide. Recently, we are starting to see it being referred to as “Autism Month” or “Autism Acceptance” Month.
View our gallery of previous ambassador who have inspired us through their dedication and actions.
Studies show that unemployment for adults with autism is as high as 90%. With increased attention on and conversations about diversity issues in the workplace, there is no better time to address how employers and businesses can improve that statistic and create opportunities for job success for individuals with autism.
This April we strive to explore autism and the current issues families experience. Some of the most important voices to listen to and learn from are from individuals with autism.
The following social media pages and blogs do a great job of reminding and encouraging other parents facing similar challenges that they are not alone.
Children with autism and other disabilities are at increased risk for bullying. Autism Awareness lessons in the classroom can be an effective way to build peer support and combat bullying.
Making your community aware of some of the safety risks individuals with autism face could prevent a tragedy. It certainly can bring peace of mind to families who face challenges day to day.
Use the following articles as a talking point while executing your ambassador activities. Share these topics with your friends and family.

Take a look at what our Ambassador’s have been up to! Read our Ambassador Highlights>>
We encourage everyone to always speak to and about someone respectfully and in a way that incorporates their preferences.