Words From Friends: Meet Lindsay and Thomas


Lindsay and Thomas shared their story of friendship for our most popular ambassador tool, the newly designed, A Kid's Guide to Autism Acceptance booklet. They have been friends since 2012, meeting while attending Howell High School, during Lindsay’s freshman year.

Since meeting, Lindsay has accompanied Thomas to dances. She’s his biggest fan, cheering him on at his Special Olympics bowling tournaments and his basketball, soccer, and baseball games.

Autism New Jersey had the special opportunity to speak with Lindsay and Thomas about their special friendship.


Q: How did the friendship start?

Lindsay: Our friendship started from the adaptive physical education program at our high school. Thomas and I would spend time together in gym class.

Q: What do you like to do together?

Thomas: I like to go to dances, lunch, and walks with my friend Lindsay

Q: What is one thing you wish everyone knew about Thomas?

Lindsay: I wish everyone knew that his humor is one of a kind!

Q: What do you want your community to understand about Thomas and autism?

Lindsay: Thomas is a friend like no other! He enjoys sharing what he is passionate about, especially when we talk about his favorite books and sayings. I want the community to be more accepting of people with autism and their families.

Q: How does it make you feel when someone doesn’t treat Thomas nicely?

Lindsay: It would make me feel extremely sad and anxious.

Q: Name your 3 favorite things about Lindsay.

Thomas: My three favorite things about Lindsay is our friendship, her beautiful smile, and how she cares about me.



For friendship tips and more kid-friendly information, download or order a copy of A Kids Guide to Autism Acceptance.


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