Use the following articles as a talking point while
executing your ambassador activities.
Share these topics with your friends and family.
Monmouth County Police Departments Honor Autism Acceptance
A family of dedicated ambassadors provide autism awareness decals to 26 police departments.
KDM Elementary School Centered April Around Acceptance, Love, and Understanding
Katharine D. Malone Elementary School in Rockaway participated in daily awareness activities.
Livingston Police Receive Autism-Friendly Emergency Kits
Michael Ileya supplied Livingston NJ police with 47 kits containing autism-friendly items through his Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Project, Operation S4.
Coffee With a Cop...and for a Purpose
The Robbinsville Township PD hosted their 2nd Annual “Coffee With a Cop” event, demonstrating how neighborhood and community connections can enhance safety.
Memorial Middle School in Cedar Grove, NJ
Students learned about accepting others for who they are and how important it is to include others. Everyone is unique in their own special ways!
To Infinity and Beyond Puzzle Pieces
Symbols and logos can be powerful, but only tell part of the story. And they mean different things to different people.