Patrick's Grille Fundraiser

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On April 25, Patrick’s Grille in Neptune City, NJ donated 20% of diners’ bill to Autism New Jersey.

For the past 9 years, Anthony and Jackie Kelly have organized one of Autism New Jersey’s largest community events- their annual Spring Lake Gift Auction. The event is inspired by their 20-year-old daughter, Kathleen. Over the nine years, the auction proceeds have exceeded $200,000 donated to Autism New Jersey.

In 2020, their 10th anniversary event was scheduled, then rescheduled twice due to the pandemic and finally was cancelled. Jackie and Anthony share, “The inability to do what we love most for the person we love most made a bad year even more difficult. Everyone has struggled these past thirteen plus months, but the autism community had its world completely turned upside down.”

While sitting in one of their favorite local restaurants, Patrick’s Grille of Neptune City, they approached the owner, Patrick Fitzsimmons about a business proposition. They asked Patrick if he would consider hosting an Autism Awareness Day at the restaurant where patrons could present a flyer and the restaurant would donate back a portion of the proceeds. Patrick and his family told the Kelly’s that they were “all in.”

On the day of the event, the restaurant was adorned with balloons in the colors of the awareness ribbon with puzzle pieces decorating the space. During a time when many restaurants are struggling to make ends meet due to the pandemic, Patrick’s Grille went above and beyond to support the Kelly’s and New Jersey’s autism community.

The Asbury Park-Wall Elks lodge contributed a generous $1,000 donation, the Manasquan Elks donated an amazing $5,000 check, patrons’ donations totaled $1,500 and Patrick’s Grille’s twenty percent plus an additional donation from his family was an additional $2,500.

The event raised $10,000 for Autism New Jersey and the autism community!

The Kelly family expressed their overwhelming gratitude by stating, “We cannot speak to how thankful we are to Patrick Fitz, his staff, and his entire family for doing this for our daughter and all the individuals with autism in the state of NJ. In a year when restaurants are being tested to the limits, Patrick’s Grille looked beyond that and gave us a special gift. We are so thankful.”


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