Taking the Plunge for Autism Awareness


Saturday, April 22, you could hear the bag pipes calling friends and family members of the autism community to take the plunge as a show of love and support. The ocean temperatures were a chilled 52.2, but the mood of the afternoon was warm.

The Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh of the Jersey Shore led the way down Ocean Ave in Belmar. The Belmar police lined the boardwalk clapping as the group proudly made their way to the ocean. Anthony Kelly, inspired by his daughter Kathleen, brought fun and laughter to the event with his “Captain Autism,” plunge suit.

More than 100 people of all ages took their positions on the sand and excitedly waited for the signal to go.  When the music stopped everyone charged to the water and bravely took the plunge! Families were wearing t-shirts that had their loved one’s name printed on them, groups were dressed in colorful themed costumes, and EVERYONE wore a smile. 

An after-party was held at D’Jais with a buffet and entertainment by the iconic Jersey Shore band HOLME.

Thank you to everyone involved in this outstanding show of support for National Autism Awareness Month!


Congrats, Lucia! Winner of 2023 Autism NJ Bookmark Contest!


Patrick's Grille Fundraiser